I present a modest proposal to modify the default DPI from 100 to 96 in

We have no knowledge of the physical dimensions of the viewer (which
will also change), so we cannot provide a correct DPI under the current
circumstances. A DPI of 96 is what's the default in more or less every
other system (Mac being the exception, but that might not even be true
for OS X).

Changing from 100 to 96 might seem like such a small change that it's
fairly pointless, but it actually makes the default font size of 10 pt
go from 14 px to 13 px (13.8 to 13.3). This change is noticable and
comparing Xvnc as it is today with many other systems makes the fonts
look overly large in Xvnc.

Any objections?

Pierre Ossman            OpenSource-based Thin Client Technology
System Developer         Telephone: +46-13-21 46 00
Cendio AB                Web: http://www.cendio.com

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