Hello TigerVNC developers,

We released a few patches for TigerVNC a week ago, so that you can pick
them up (or part of it) if you think they're useful.

The webpage is http://oss.m-privacy.de/tigervnc

The page is quite detailed, however in short:

* there are "vanilla" TigerVNC-1.0 Ubuntu/Debian packages and the
package source (anyone can feel free to use it in official Ubuntu or
Debian or Debian-based repositories of course)

* there are patched TigerVNC packages for Ubuntu/Debian, with our own
patches, as well as a Windows VNC Viewer build (also includes a
PulseAudio build with no modifications.)

* there are the patches themselves, as follow:
  - mprivacy-askclose:
    asks before closing the VNC viewer window, or optionally disable
closing it
    defaults to jpeg 9 instead of 8, also switch to jpeg 9 when
bandwidth is >18 000kbits

  - mprivacy-enforceparams:
    adds an "-enforceparams" parameter to xvncserver, when enabled,
ignore all client requests to change VNC parameters, except for
cut&paste: if server explicitly enabled it, client can turn it on/off.
if server explicitly disabled it, client cannot turn it on.

  - various TLS patches:
    ported patches from
http://www.auto.tuwien.ac.at/~mkoegler/index.php/tlsvnc with TLS support

  - win-tls-vc++2k8.patch:
    Above patches for Windows, and visualstudio 2k8 support, also has a
"soundsupport" option, that starts pulseaudio with the correct parameters

We provide the patches, packages, and binaries "as-is" without any
warranty, or support, and under the GPL-2.0 license. However feel free
to contact us, or me directly for any issue, proposal or enhancement.

I hope you enjoy the patches

Guillaume Destuynder - m-privacy GmbH -
Am Köllnischen Park 1, 10179 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 24342334
Fax: +49 30 24342336
Web: http://www.m-privacy.de, http://oss.m-privacy.de
 Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 84946
 Dipl.-Kfm. Holger Maczkowsky,
 Roman Maczkowsky
GnuPG-Key-ID: 0x3FB1D217

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