On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 06:27:02PM +0100, Martin Koegler wrote:
> I did some profiling:
> With TLS, the vncviewer hot spots are:
> * ~23% in libgcrypt
> * ~14% in the jpeg code
> * ~14% again in the jpeg code
> With TLS, the Xvnc hot spots are:
> * 17.4% in zlib
> * 14.3% libcrypt
> * 13% rfb::ComparingUpdateTracker::compareRect
> * 12% in the jpeg code

gnutls itself is not performance relevant - the noticeable overhead of
using TLS is computing SHA1 hashes as well as AES de-/encryption in libgcrypt.

The client spends:
* 15% AES decryption
* 4.6% SHA1
[for comparison: ~30% in the jpeg code]

The server spends:
* 9.3% AES encryption
* 3.2% SHA1

for comparison: 
* 25% in the jpeg code
* 14% zlib [not TLS related]
* 10% ComparingUpdateTracker::compareRect
* 10% memcpy [a lot of calls caused by ComparingUpdateTracker::compareRect]

Comparing SSH Tunneling with TLS, SSH Tunneling is probably faster because:
* OpenSSL has (better) optimized algorithmns then libgcrypt:
  AES/SHA1 implementations in libgcrypt are in C. 
* Xvnc is single threaded:
  SSH tunneling moves the encryption to a second 
  process allowing Xvnc doing more of its remaining tasks. 

Starting with libgrypt 1.4.5, the SHA1 speed should have been improved
[I'm testing with 1.4.5]. AES in 1.5.0 should support the AES-NI
instructions from Intel, so on such processors it will be faster.

Martin Kögler

Why does the trace/error infrastructure of libjpeg puts all parameters
for formating the message into a structure and then calls via a
pointer a functions (emit_message), which determines, if the message
should be printed?

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