build-xorg is definitely not designed to be used except on "legacy"
systems that lack recent enough X11 libraries.  In looking at the SPEC
file for the Fedora RPM, they appear to be using a more simplified approach:

Extract the xorg-xserver source used to build Xorg on the system in
question (Fedora apparently stores this under

cd tigervnc-*
cp -r {xorg-xserver-source} unix/xserver
pushd unix/xserver
for all in `find . -type f -perm -001`; do
  chmod -x "$all"
autoreconf -fiv
configure --disable-static --with-system-jpeg
pushd unix/xserver
autoreconf -fiv
configure \
  --disable-xorg --disable-xnest --disable-xvfb --disable-dmx \
  --disable-xwin --disable-xephyr --disable-kdrive --with-pic \
  --disable-static --disable-xinerama \
  --disable-composite \

  --with-fontdir=%{_datadir}/X11/fonts \
  --with-xkb-output=%{_localstatedir}/lib/xkb \
  --enable-install-libxf86config \
  --disable-dri2 \
  --enable-glx \
  --disable-config-dbus \
  --disable-config-hal \
  --disable-config-udev \
  --with-dri-driver-path=%{_libdir}/dri \

NOTE: %{_libdir}, %{_sysconfdir}, etc. are macros set by RPM.  You would
need to change these directories to whatever is appropriate for your system.

On 4/28/11 5:34 AM, Antoine Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> In a previous comment it was noted that the build-xorg scripts are only
> to be used when the host headers are too old.
> So what is the correct way of building Xvnc using the host's headers?
> Are there any instructions or scripts for doing that?
> I am concerned that the builds I have made available are using the wrong
> build method and may therefore have undesirable side effects.
> btw, as for fixing the build error I reported last month (which seems to
> have slipped under the radar), the following patch does workaround the
> issue on some platforms (debian sid for example), but is obviously not a
> proper fix:
> # cat tigervnc-trunk/unix/xorg-7.4-patches/0005-ldl-lpthread.patch
> --- a/hw/vnc/  2011-04-27 18:05:16.112292001 +0000
> +++ b/hw/vnc/  2011-04-27 18:06:32.662285527 +0000
> @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
>  NETWORK_LIB=$(LIB_DIR)/network/
>  XREGION_LIB=$(LIB_DIR)/Xregion/
> -lpthread
>  noinst_LTLIBRARIES =
> Thanks
> Antoine
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