On 6/28/11 2:33 AM, Pierre Ossman wrote:
>>> There's always the cross-compiler loons like us. :)
>> Is there a way to build Mac binaries on a non-Mac platform?  I'm
>> academically curious, because I didn't think that was possible.
> Indeed there is. Binutils is still a work in progress (ld is the final
> missing component if I remember correctly), but gcc supports it just
> fine. As a replacement for binutils you use odcctools, which is some
> kind of fork.
> Just grab the SDK out of xcode (probably need a mac for that) and set
> up things as you would any other cross compiler. Note that OS X SDK
> 10.5+ requires ObjectiveC 2.0, which in turn means gcc 4.6. We're using
> the 10.4 SDK and gcc 4.5 here though.

Well, I have two Macs already, and one is my primary machine, so I have
no practical need for such a setup, but it's interesting that someone
has done it.  I generally just take the approach of using virtual
machines rather than cross-compiling.

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