I've stared at the code yet again and can't see where the corruption was
occurring prior to 4841.  I understand and agree with you setting the
various method arguments to const.  That's not the issue.  The issue is
that I don't understand why some of the code in tightEncode.h was moved
around-- particularly why encodeJpegRect16() and encodeJpegRect32() were
replaced with encodeJpegRect().  Yes, I see that you're now re-calling
ig->getRawPixelsR() in the body of encodeJpeg(), but why?

On 2/3/12 9:00 AM, Pierre Ossman wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 05:03:06 -0600
> DRC <dcomman...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> I have not seen this, either in high-level or low-level tests.  Please
>> explain how to reproduce it.
> The easiest way to provoke it is with a composited desktop and a solid
> blue background. I've been using the Gnome 3 fallback on Fedora 16.

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