On Sat, 02 Jun 2012 01:10:15 -0700
SourceForge.net <nore...@sourceforge.net> wrote:

> However, I haven't examined the code
> closely to see why that timer is there.  What seems to happen is that,
> whenever a rectangle is damaged, it triggers a timeout, and if the
> rectangle isn't drawn within 1/2 second, it gets drawn anyway, so if the
> frame is really slow to transmit, it will not be double buffered.

The idea is to make sure that the viewer doesn't appear "hung" if the
update is taking too long to come in. Tearing isn't nice, but locking
up is worse.

That said, the timeout could possibly be increased further. It just
needs to be small enough to avoid users getting impatient and
clicking/typing again, thinking the first attempt didn't really take.

Pierre Ossman           Software Development
Cendio AB               http://cendio.com
Teknikringen 8          http://twitter.com/ThinLinc
583 30 Linköping        http://facebook.com/ThinLinc
Phone: +46-13-214600    http://plus.google.com/112509906846170010689

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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