On Wed, 16 Jan 2013, DRC wrote:

My suggestion is therefore that we start recommending building FLTK with
Autotools instead. Ok with everyone?

<sigh>  No.  Again, goes back to the "eat your own dog food" thing.  If
you ever actually tried to build TigerVNC on a real Windows platform,
you would understand why most things you have done to make it easier on
yourself as a Linux developer have made it harder on Windows developers.

The two major sponsors of the TigerVNC project are Cendio and Red Hat, and we both are focusing on Linux, so it's quite natural that we favour build systems that works good on Linux.

Few if any people have the resources to test things on more than a handful of platforms. We are building and testing TigerVNC for all supported platforms (Linux, Solaris, Windows, Mac), but with only one build system (cross compilation under Linux). We are not building on any version of Windows, Solaris, or Mac OS X. We don't have the resources to do that. Sorry.

If you want, I can see if we can switch our internal FLTK build to CMake instead of Autotools, but I'm not sure what else we can do.

Rgds, ---
Peter Åstrand           ThinLinc Chief Developer
Cendio AB               http://cendio.com
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