
try changing the in the cookies.js to (that's an error on the part of the TILT distribution ... this should be removed for public distro and noted in the help files - in earlier versions of this file it was XXX.XXX.XXX)

there should also be an index.html within the TILT directory you've created - it's the main entry page for TILT. check that when you unzipped/untarred the tilt distro you haven't actually created another TILT directory inside of the one you've already created, ie;


Sharon Yang wrote:

We have been trying to make TILT work and here are some problems we have encountered:
1. We have found the URL throughout the TILT html files. We are changing this to our URL for our server. However, we have found the line in the cookies.js javascript. What should this be changed to? 2. We have placed TILT in a directory by that name in our htdocs directory. If I go to URL what should we use for the index.html? There is one in /admin as well as /intro.

We are running this on Solaris 9/intel with Apache 2.0.49 and PHP 4.3.7.


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