
Thank you SO much for posting this information. I am particularly interested in your #4. For us, the weird "guest" problem only happens when a student uses Internet Explorer. With Netscape, it works fine. We also have the email function set up but we'd rather keep track of particpation/registration in the database (and get rid of the email function). When a student gets to that quiz summary page, they are a "guest" and the database doesn't recognize that the registered student has completed that module/quiz. Kind of frustrating for us, but at least we are not the only ones.

We are racking our brains trying to come up with a solution or a way around this IE problem...

Anyway, please let me know if any sudden brilliant ideas pop into your head  :)


Amy Gresko
Meredith College

Sorry I didn't get to this sooner... been busy... but I found some time and here I am  :)
1. There are absolute addresses all over the place in the tilt program that take plenty of time to change and can cause problems...
To correct this I created a php file that included the addresses in it as variables that I could use in the other files... at the top of the files that had the addresses in them I included this file I made... then in the code of the files that included the addresses I replaced the addresses with the variable that I put in the in the file that I made... here is an example:
for the file that you make -
example: AddressFile.php
inside the file put something like this-
$address = "";
for the files that use the address -
at the top of the file put this -
include "AddressFile.php";
at places where the address needs to be replaced -
example -
before: URL="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="">""
after: URL="<? echo($address); ?>"
note just in case... if there are quotes around it before leave them in the after
2. The address is in so many places it could take forever to find all the files that the addresses are in....
If you downloaded the site to you hard drive then you can use the windows search feature to find all the files... if you didn't download it to you hard drive then you might want to so you can do this...
In the main tilt folder, click the windows search button to get the search task pane then do a "search for a word or phase in the file" type of search and search for the address you want to replace... that should find the files for you then you can go into the files and replace the address with the variable mentioned before.
3. The cookies.js files use the addresses too but I can't include the php file inside the js file....
ok.. you can create a js file that has the addresses in it as variables then include that file in all the places that use cookies.js (to find all those places refer to #2 above)
the file you make -
example - webaddress.js
inside that file -
var web_site_address = "";
inside cookies.js (something like this)-
before: SetCookie(cookieName, cookie, null, "/", "");
after: SetCookie(cookieName, cookie, null, "/", web_site_address);
somewhere probably near the top of the file that uses cookies.js -
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
4. The quiz module doesn't work... at the end of the quiz it says "guest" (or something like that)
To fix this... well, I didn't understand what was going on with that so rather than try to fix it... I just redid it in a new way... just gave them a new form to put in there name and instructor's e-mail then send it onward... that will take a little work but it might be easier than trying to fix whatever that strange problem was....
5. Ok... one interesting thing... this program uses php files with html extensions... 
To get the php to run on your server you need to make a mime type that lets the same thing run html and php... for more on that you might just ask you IT people or someone... I wouldn't want to try to tell you how to configure your server... but you can tell whoever you need to that the server need to have a mime type that uses bot php and html extensions... if you don't know if you php is working or not... just open most any page in tilt... if you see a bunch of code and junk then probably it is not set right and the server is trying to read the php using html....
Another solution might be to change the extensions on the files... but that might be more trouble than it's worth because of all the links and such inside the files tat you also need to change....
Ok.. I guess I'll sign out for now... I hope this helps  :)
- Robert at Pulaski Tech

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