Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Tom Van Baak" writes:

Don't forget that a PRS10 Rb from eBay and a Oncore M12+T from
synergy-gps.com would be both cheaper and more stable.

Why would it be cheaper than building Brook Shera's unit? You still need all the same electronics, but a more expensive oscillator (I assume the PRS10 is going to cost more than an HP 18011A.)

I can understand that it is probably likely the peformance will be better than that of the HP Z3801A, as I guess you can use a long time constant to keep the Rubidium on frequency, which would not be possible if using a crystal.

Good point. Has someone posted a Z3801A vs.
PRS10/M12+ comparison? I have a lot of data
on the PRS10 but haven't put an M12+ to it yet.

How does the short term phase noise of the PRS10's compare with the HP 10811A? I guess in the long term, they will both be the same if you link them to a GPS source, but short term you have said will be dominated by the crystal oscillator.

I guess a current unit is likely to be better than a 20-30 year old one.

I should add that with an UT+ the sawtooth has a tendency to throw the PRS10s PLL off kilter, even with the 256 second averager (because the sawtooth does not necessairly average out to zero in that timeinterval).

Even then, the PRS10+M12+T is by far the best bang for the
buck I can think off.

I am confused how this can be cheaper although I accept its performance should be excellent.

Dr. David Kirkby PhD CEng MIEE,
Senior Research Fellow,
Department of Medical Physics,
Mallet Place Engineering Building,
Gower St,
University College London,
London WC1E 6BT.

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