); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

Where does one find this circuit ?

Thanks, Dick, W1KSZ

> In a message dated 7/9/2007 01:59:46 Pacific Daylight Time,  
>> It  just an RF bypass capacitor to ground.
>> This circuit was embedded in a  very small section of a much larger 
>> paper, so its difficult to  find.
>> You may even have read the paper and not have noticed  the  mixer circuit.
>> The resistor from the centre tap to ground is selected  so that the peak 
>> drain current is around 28mA or so when the RF is  applied
>> RF input ~ 13dBm.
>> Input transformer 1:4 turns ratio  (or thereabouts) centre tapped secondary.
>> Output transformer 2:1 turns  ratio (or thereabouts).
>> RF bypass capacitor depends on input frequency  typically 100nF or so.
>> Bruce
> Hi Bruce,
> nice circuit. Many questions:
> I wonder how well it works to get a 5MHz source up to 10MHz?
> Also, would you have recommendations on the transformer part numbers?  
> (MiniCircuits, MaCom, etc)? I think the transformers are probably key  to 
> getting 
> good phase noise (preventing them from saturating, crosstalk,  etc).
> Do you have a suggestion on who makes the best (lowest-noise) JFets?
> Where could we find the original paper's PDF?
> Lastly, how much fundamental attenuation would you expect from such a  
> circuit?
> Thanks!
> Said
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73, Dick, W1KSZ

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