); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

> I have a nice old Dixie tube HP5532A counter to give away that I picked
> up
> at a local recycling store. It powers up, and I can coax it to count.
> It needs
> a little cleaning, and some love. I figure someone collecting these
> would
> have good use for it.
> Let me know if you want it,
> thanks,
> Said

(Which store??)

I'm interested.  I'm in Los Gatos (Pollard Road).  I can pick it up, but
only through Friday of these week.

> List member (presumably an unmarried one)?
> http://farm1.static.flickr.com/70/188117595_213c635851.jpg?v=0

Yeah, presumably unmarried.  My wife expressed a certain appreciation of the
aesthetic of that décor, but was not keen that we adopt it.   (But she does
like nixie tubes, so there's still some hope for me.)


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