); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

On Oct 8, 2007, at 20:04, David McGaw wrote:

> ); SAEximRunCond expanded to false
> As one who has worked in the pro digital audio field for years, I can
> tell you that sub-100 ps jitter very definitely can be heard,
> depending on its spectrum.  Modern sigma-delta ADCs and DACs use
> oversampling clocks of 12 to 50 MHz for sample rates of 44.1 kHz to
> 192 kHz at 24-bit resolution and achieve SNR and DNR of 120 dB or
> better, integrated over the audio range.  The noise floor can be -144
> dB or better and a 1-bit signal can be discerned.  Higher-end
> consumer gear do use these as well as pro equipment.

Hi David,

Do you have information on the jitter spectra content. I think that  
low to mid is the most important but I am not sure.


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