Quoth Robert Vassar at 2008-02-24 02:31...
> ... However, the first timestamp on the SMTP
> envelope is generated by linode.rob-vassar.com, which is a virtual  
> server.  It is a UML Linux instance that in effect runs as a large  
> program on a huge shared Linux server in a co-lo facility.  It relies  
> on the host OS to provide time, and is incapable of setting or  
> adjusting it's own time.  The host is supposed to run NTP, but I have  
> no visibility or insight into their practices/operation.  All I can  
> say is it "appears correct", but that's kind of an amusing statement  
> given the mailing list we're on.  :-)

Interesting.  I run all my public, Internet-facing, operations on a pair
of Linodes (one production, the other test/backup) at Hurricane Electric
(Fremont, CA) and The Planet (Dallas, TX).

I'd sort of assumed that any commercial hosting operation would be
referenced to an on-site Stratum 1 - but then I do make a lot of silly
assumptions, based on my "perfect world" scenario.

Part of the reason for setting up a GPS-based server here (my home
office) is to get the time on these machines closer to what it is on my

I'll try to reach the Man Himself at Linode by IRC and will report back.



Matthew Smith
Smiffytech - Technology Consulting & Web Application Development
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