On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 5:39 PM, randy warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm not
>  sure how smart gpsd is, but it may not know about switching the receiver
>  between binary and NMEA mode. Since the gpsd commands you show in your email
>  specify 9600 baud, I assume you want binary?

gpsd can't do anything with a non-NMEA oncore yet, but i do have
enough copies of enough revisions of enough versions of enough
variants of oncores (thanks to this list) that i think i've got all
the mode switching commands covered.

gpsd is designed with autodetection and configuration in mind. where
possible, we try to probe the receiver to see what speed it's running
at, what protocol it uses, what hardware and firmware revision this
particular device is, and will attempt to set up a receiver in a
reasonable fashion. For example, if you've got an oncore in binary
mode with all the messages turned off (or a thales/magellan ac12 for
that matter) we should be able to detect that, and turn on enough
messages to get reasonable use out of the gps.


GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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