In a message dated 06/05/2008 20:17:41 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I had it  running on an winXP disc that crashed a few months ago.
Was that the earlier version of the software or something XP  specific?

I have an older BC635PCI of the type that had external  Trimble
Acutime/Palisade for the GPS enabled versions.

Anyone else  with these Bancomm/Datum/Symmetricom PCI-cards wanting to run
them on  Linux/*BSD? Should be able to be a great timesource for an
ntp-server.  Maybe even more interesting would be to evaluate timing
accuracy for a  normal ntp server.
My interest at the moment is only Windows but Google searches for  the 
Windows software turned up quite a few references to Linux drivers and ntp  so 
taking a look online would probably be worthwhile.


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