Dear Time-Nuts,

I have been reading the discussion about what is possible and impossible 
with the ARM evaluation board. The proposed idea(s) to build a versatile 
receiver which could be used for receiving various time/frequency 
reference transmitter around the world sounds great!

It is my believe that the time-nuts group is strong, professional and 
inventive enough to "produce" such a system. I think it will allow a lot 
of people to do experiments with (V)LF reception of time/frequency 
signals in a professional way.

The HPSDR project (; which is known by a number of people 
here) has proven that it is possible for an internet community to 
produce real hardware! I'm willing to provide my help and knowledge if 
and where possible. Allthough, I have to admit, I'm at this moment 
rather busy with the HPSDR project (the power supply part called Demeter).

Maybe we could even make a collaboartion with the HPSDR project. There 
are advantages for both communities:
* The HPSDR is still looking for a suitable frequency reference for 
their system, allthough a start has been made for a GPS-reference system 
(see Gibraltar)
* The Time-nuts list could benefit from the knowledge the HPSDR 
community already has about production of boards and SDR

Furthermore, both communities are collaborating with TAPR!

The way HPSDR works is as follows: A project leader is "choosen" 
(usually the person who volunteers) he makes a proposal for the project. 
All the others are invited to share their comments. This will lead to a 
program of requirements.
Now the real fun starts, the design of the system, while the design is 
growing all people can contribute their knowledge, experience and even 
some hands-on work. This wil yield a system which should be near to 
everyones wishes!

I hope we can start a similar (but probably smaller) project like 
HPSDR.  I think it is a great opportunity. The idea is very interesting, 
it is difficult for us to compete with the big manufacturers of 
GPS-based references. But in the field of (V)LF frequency and 
time-standards there is a lot off room for us, to play and experiment! 
Question is, are we willing to do that? I would say, let's do it together!

I'm very curious about your reaction/opinion!

73 Jeroen PE1RGE

Ing. Jeroen Bastemeijer

Delft University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory
Mekelweg 4, Room 13.090
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands

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