
I can't help you with the manual, but I agree, it will be useful for T&F
applications. I have a newer model X-Y display (the one with storage,
forget the model) which I intend to use for T&F.

By the way, for anyone who is wondering, a conventional TV Vectorscope
works great as a phase comparator for T&F, provided your reference
frequency is suitable. I have the PAL model (4.433MHz colour
subcarrier), and it works fine at 5MHz. I feed 0dBm 5MHz reference into
the subcarrier input, and any other 5MHz signal for phase comparison in
one of the video inputs. You get a dot on the screen which rotates with
phase, and it's easy to see phase jitter and changes as small as a
couple of ns.


Murray ZL1BPU

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