Richard W. Solomon wrote:
> The GPSDO I want to use has an output rich in harmonics. In some
> cases that is good, but Murphy rules and in the application I have
> today, it is not good.
> I need a 10 MHz Band-Pass Filter, Bandwidth is not critical, something
> small with SMA connectors would be ideal, but I can live with BNC.
> Anyone have such a beast or know where I can get one ? I checked Mini-Circuits
> and choked on the price !!

Dick, it is really easy to build one.  The wonderful (free!) filter 
design program ELSIE will give you all the help you need.  I would have 
thought an hour or so with a couple of toroids would do the trick.  Even 
just a Low Pass filter would usually do to turn a square wave into a sine...


ac6ao / g3ncr

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