The Manuals Plus website lists several manuals for the CSC model DC200B/BR. 
Don't know what the differences are between the -B/BR models and the -C 
model, but sometimes the differences can be small; perhaps small enough for 
you to diagnose your problem.  Go to 
http://www.manualsplus.com/catalog/mp_find.php and search for model DC200 
and you'll see the listing.  I used to work in a cal/repair lab, and saw 
many Fluke differential meters over the years. Aside from cleanliness 
problems, the most prevalent defect that I saw was the chopper in the error 
amp circuit.  The early Flukes used a mechanical chopper, and had a limited 
lifetime.  The later models used electro-optical choppers, eventually moving 
to FETs.  Don't know what type of stabilization your instrument uses, but I 
recommend that to be the first thing you should check.
Geed luck with your instrument.

Dave M
masondg44 at comcast dot net

One good thing about Alzheimer's; you get to meet new people every day.

> Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:29:15 -0700
> From: Dick Moore <rich...@hughes.net>
> Subject: [time-nuts] Need volt-nuts help
> To: time-nuts@febo.com
> You all are an amazing resource, so even if this is not time-nuts
> material, someone of you may be able to shed some light.
> I picked up a differential voltmeter made by Precision Measurements
> Corp. It says it's brand is CSC (no info on what this stands for),
> model DC 200C. In general, it is similar to a Fluke 885 but with a
> much more readable meter, larger easier to use knobs, and overall
> fewer parts; plus a lot more empty space. The null detector/voltmeter
> section is not working, but the power supply and K-V divider are fine,
> as are all the switches.
> I've checked various sites for manuals with no luck, and also Googled
> and found nothing. Rather than try now to reverse engineer the
> schematic, I'm hoping one of you may know something about this
> machine. If nothing else it will be an interesting platform for play.
> Thx,
> Dick Moore
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