On 7/4/09 7:43 PM, "Chad Simpson" <analogaficion...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all, this is my first post to the list...
> Like many of you, over time I've acquired enough test equipment with the
> GPIB interface that I'm wanting to make use of it.  I have narrowed the
> choice down to one of the Prologix devices (GPIB-USB or GPIB-LAN), but I
> haven't found much information about the differences between the two.  Apart
> from the obvious (price, tether distance from the PC), can anyone comment on
> the pros & cons of the two?  I am running all Macs, so anything pertinent to
> using these interfaces under OS X would be especially welcome.  I do have
> Win XP running under vmware, so if necessary I can use that, though I prefer
> to try and run everything under OS X.
> Some specific questions I have:
> - How well do the different drivers work?
> - Is one faster than the other?
> - What about compatability with various software?  Are the software
> interfaces really different, or similar enough that either could be used
> with minimal tweaking?

Actually, this is quite timely.. I've been looking for a basic Ethernet/GPIB
box at work..  


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