At the prices of these Rb devices, why not get one.
If for nothing else than a learning experience. They
cost about what a Textbook costs today !!

73, Dick, W1KSZ

-----Original Message-----
>From: Joseph Gray <>
>Sent: Oct 5, 2009 1:20 PM
>To:, Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
>Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Why would I want a rubidium
>I know I don't "need" any of this stuff. I was just wondering what I
>could do with a rubidium vs what I already have.
>On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 10:58 AM, J. Forster <> wrote:
>> From an engineering point of view:
>> Very few people really "NEED" a Rb or Cs as they are not really doing
>> anything that requires that level of precision in frequency or accuracy in
>> time (me included). These days a BC-221 or WWB is not good enough, but 1
>> Hz at X-Band is for almost all practical uses.
>> It's a hobby. Just enjoy it!
>> FWIW,
>> -John
>> ================
>>> Rubidium is a 'Secondary' reference, meaning it must be calibrated against
>>> a
>>> 'Primary' reference such as a Cesium Beam or Hydrogen Maser or, perhaps,
>>> your GPSDO.  Cesium Beam Standards some times appear on e..y in various
>>> states of disrepair but are fun to play with.  There have been many
>>> discussions about their merits, or lack there of, on this list and it
>>> might
>>> make interesting reading.  I am amazed that, in my little shop, I can
>>> generate something that seems 'locked' to the signal I get from my GPSDO
>>> and
>>> requires no calibration.
>>> Your GPSDO is 'linked' to the NIST Hydrogen Maser via the satellites.  The
>>> only problem comes when and if the satellites are not usable.
>>> I am a relative 'newbie' as well, so be careful.  This stuff is addicting.
>>> Joe
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [] On
>>> Behalf Of Joseph Gray
>>> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:09 AM
>>> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
>>> Subject: [time-nuts] Why would I want a rubidium
>>> Sorry for the newbie question, but with two Z3801A's, what use would I
>>> find
>>> for a rubidium unit? I see lots of them on ebay from the Chinese sellers.
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