
There are at least 20 Z3815A units in ZL Amateur hands that I know of,
and many more in VK. They were 'rescued' by a friend in VK, and have
been distributed with firmware and manual that we've worked out for
them. As far as I can make out, they were not used in cellular systems

Unlike the Z3801A, Z3805A and Z3816A, the Z3815A is more than just a
'general purpose' unit. It has a complex back plane with all sorts of
signals intended for E1/T1 phone systems. Other units I have met with
these extra features include the Chongho GPSR-A (clone of the Z3815A),
the Samsung GCRU-D and the Trimble (Nortel) NTGS50AA. All came from
Australia, and I've no doubt there are several other types there as

Murray ZL1BPU

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