No, I posted before I saw your example (and still haven't had a chance to look at it closely). I'm just hoping that in the end we can end up with a set of functions that can readily be ported to other languages, and if I'm going to be able to participate in that, I need all the help I can get! (I'm not a natural programmer, and C has always been challenging for me.)


Magnus Danielson wrote:
John Ackermann N8UR wrote:
I see the makings of a great project here... a standard set of routines for time/frequency/stability statistics. My only request is to code unobfuscatedly (sp?) to make translation into other languages easier (e.g., I'd love a perl module with these functions, but am a complete schmoe at figuring out C).

Have you looked at the code? Is it cryptic?

I have no reason to make it cryptic, my drive for the current phase is correctness and that calls for clarity. Have a look at the formulas and associated text alongside it as well. The modified total and Hadamard total deviations are the most picky ones so far. Running the test-sequence for correctness-testing of implementation is a another help, as it will hint you on errors, like looping an element too much or so.


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