On 1/24/10 10:43 AM, "Keith Payea" <kpa...@bryantlabs.net> wrote:

> Here's a couple of items from the Make Magazine site:
> Re-purposing IKEA furniture to hold rack mount gear:
> http://wiki.eth-0.nl/index.php/LackRack
> A workshop to dream about:
> http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/01/dream_workshop.html
> How many hours did that person work to make everything look good for the
> cameras, and what does it look like in mid project?
Where I used to work (a mechanical special effects shop), we used to think
about a scheme where you'd have a bench base that supported a removable
bench top. The bench top had raised edges on sides and back (so stuff
doesn't roll off), and a removable front edge. Then, you'd have a big
motorized storage rack for the benchtops.  Each project then gets it's own
bench top.  Work on project 1 for a few hours,then, stow it, and pull out
benchtop 2 for the next project.

It lets you do things like tape, fasten, or clamp parts to the bench (say,
while waiting for the glue to dry or resin to cure).  After all, for most
projects, the vertical extent on the bench is not very much (maybe a foot or
two) but the horizontal extent is great, and preferably not disturbed.  What
we want in that "ideal shop" is always "lots of benches and tables" so you
can spread out. 

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