On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 12:03:32 -0500, "Bob Camp" <li...@rtty.us> wrote:

>A square foot of solar cells fashioned into "geek stylish" hat would keep it
>running for quite a while.
>Has anybody actually poked at one of these yet?

The MSP430F5438 combined with a Zarlink ZL70250 RF transceiver


is an unbeatable combination for low power consumption. The 'A'
version of the MSP430 offers even better performance when released.

The MSP430 controls and samples up to 1500 12 samples per second from
multiple analog inputs while sleeping 750 msec out of each second.

The Zarlink offers two way communications (keeps the device synced
with the PC). The data transfers are managed by the MSP430 DMA through
an SPI port to the Zarlink.

We  should end up with 1 milliamp current draw at maximum throughput
of 3000 bytes per second.

-- kc0ukk at msosborn dot com

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