Hal (and everyone)

     In television and radio broadcasting we use a time code that is a
Manchester-encoded 2000 bps (50 Hz countries) or 2400 bps (60 Hz
countries) signal which has been low-pass filtered (~7.5 KHz) so that
it can be directly recorded on an analogue audio track.  "EBU" is the
"European Broadcasting Union", who collaborated with the US "SMPTE"
("Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers") to come up with
a common standard.  The subtle difference between EBU and SMPTE
variants is that the latter is usually "drop-frame" so that a count of
29.97 Hz NTSC frames better keeps track of real time.  Google "SMPTE
time code" for thousands of pages that will tell you more than you
ever wanted to know :-)


           Peter (London, England)

On 9 July 2010 02:26, Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net> wrote:
>> EBU Timecode in LTC format (audio timecode)
> The NTP source code package includes a utility to make audio time codes.
> Look for tg2.c.  I don't know what EBU is, but that code might be a good
> place to start.

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