To ease the requirements on your crystal, you might consider using a
diode frequency multiplier to bring your oscillator frequency into that
range. Wenzel has a good app note on one variety:


On Thu, 2010-09-30 at 18:57 +0000, Mark Sims wrote:
> I need to build some small tracking transmitters (using a circuit similar to  
> This circuit uses a fifth overtone crystal to get an output in the 216 to 220 
> MHz range. The circuit is rather finicky about the crystal and transistor...  
> most don't work.   
> Smaller and more rugged crystals are preferred.  Does anybody know of a place 
> that can make 1 off crystals in this range for a reasonable price.   Many of 
> usual suspects don't seem to be able to make crystals in that range.
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