In a message dated 30/10/2010 12:12:36 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

So if  everything is in 2d then nothing has mass as we need volume,
hence a third  dimension, for mass surely. If nothing has mass then it
should be possible  to travel faster than the speed of light. In a 2d
universe, a lot of the  basic laws of physics, we hold dear, just
break, don't  they?

There is another consideration, if we assume the third dimension to be the  
Z axis, just for example doesn't really matter which, and that is taken to 
be  the "depth" of our perception, simple rotation interchanges that with  
either the X or Y axis.
Nothing very profound in that but which one in our "reality" are we  going 
to treat as non-existent, or is this just to be conveniently explained  away 
as an artefact of holography?
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