I'm sure some faeries are fairies...

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Graham <planoph...@aei.ca> wrote:

> Indeed, my house has it's share.
> My Gram told me all about them when I was wee lad. I tell similar tales of
> Faeries to my grandchildren who now pass them on any others who will listen.
> Sadly, not the typical meaning of the term Faeries (or Fairies if you
> prefer) here in North America.
> cheers, Graham ve3gtc
> On 11/12/2010 09:40, William H. Fite wrote:
>> "Faeries," ma Scottish Gram use' tae say.
>> My son found his sunglasses on the back of a shelf in his refrigerator...
>> When I unpacked a box of my Scots kit following a cross-country move, I
>> found a Byrds album tucked neatly between my best kilt and my full
>> plaid...
>> When we cleared out Gram's house after her death, we found a petrified
>> apple
>> pie up on a top shelf with her "good" china...
>> These are the same wee folk who clutter your closet with empty wire
>> hangers
>> when you don't need them and empty it of same when you do.
>> Who move your roll of solder right in the middle of your job so that you
>> have to stop and find it when you used it not two minutes ago.
>> Who cause the printer cartridge that you know damned well you bought two
>> weeks ago to disappear entirely.
>> And who now seem to have purloined the upper-middle section of my 12' Xmas
>> tree.
>> Gram said you could mollify them by leaving bowls of milk out for them to
>> drink.
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