Bob Camp wrote:

I don't see anybody arguing that systems work better when there's a
high ADEV than a low ADEV. Most of the papers are heading in the
direction of "it doesn't catch all of the problems I worry about".
Based on what systems need and what ADEV measures, I don't find that
a particularly surprising conclusion. The next step would be for
people to come up with system related measures that do catch what
they are after. Some have tried that, many have not. The next link in
the chain would be getting (paying) vendors to run the tests on
product. As far as I can tell - that's not happening at all. ADEV had
the same issues early on. Until it became a mandatory specification,
not a lot of people paid much attention to it.


Yes.. and if you read the discussion following that first batch of papers in the report Magnus linked, you can see the same sort of thing.. everyone had some measure they had developed that was important to their particular system, but none of them were the same, or even directly interconvertible.

The problem faced by them (and us at JPL now)is that we're a very, very low volume customer (a few units every few years).. We *do* actually pay people to make the measurements, but sometimes, I think the measurements we ask for aren't necessarily appropriate. It's expensive and time consuming to do the analysis for a new measurement, and particularly to validate that it's actually measuring something useful and relevant, so there's a very strong tendency to "do what we did before"..

Sometimes the previous measurement used something that happened to depend on an artifact of the system design so that you could test something you can measure to represent something that's difficult to measure (e.g. IP3 vs P1dB relationships presume a certain shape to the nonlinearity). But if you've changed the underlying design, that artifact may not exist.

This shows up a lot with test procedures/specifications for systems based on all analog designs that are adopted unchanged for systems with digital conversions. (look at all the various ways to specify performance of high speed ADCs). For example, in my world, a common specification is for performance at "best lock frequency" (BLF, that is, the frequency at which you can acquire a carrier with the lowest SNR). In an analog system, this is often where the input corresponds to the rest frequency of the VCO with everything sort of in the middle of the range. But a lot of modern systems have no BLF... their performance is essentially flat over some band, and any small variations are not indicative of, e.g. minimum loop stress, etc. The time spent to determine BLF, and any assumptions about performance aren't necessarily valid.

On the other hand, we don't necessarily engage in a "science project" for each project to determine performance requirements (and corresponding test methods) unique to the performance in that system. There is a need for more generic performance numbers that have moderately universal understanding.. If I tell you the P1dB for an amplifier, and I tell you that my signals are 10dB below that, then, in a short statement, I've actually told you a fair amount about how my design works and the range over which it's likely to keep working. That's because you and I have a common understanding of what a P1dB spec "means"...

Over the past decades, I think a similar understanding has arisen with phase noise specs and to a lesser extent Allan deviation. That is, given a phase noise plot, a skilled practitioner can tell whether it's good or bad in the context of a particular system.

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