I like my Suunto Vector Wrist Computer.  It's the Swiss Army knife
     of watches.
     Has Date, Time, Alarms, stopwatch, etc plus barometer, altimeter,
     thermometer, bubble level . . . .
     [1]http://www.prc68.com/I/Watch-Real-Fake.shtml#SVWC <- watch
     [2]http://www.prc68.com/I/PT.html <- Swiss Army Knife

   I had (actually, still have in a drawer somewhere), a Suunto Vector.
   It's a great geek watch, but didn't find it to be a great Time Nut
   watch. The graphic seconds indicator around the limb of the watch has a
   funky pattern that it goes through as the number of pixels around the
   periphery doesn't divide into 60 (Suunto says this is to make it a
   better compass). Also, you can reset the second display to zero, but
   you can't set the actual zero time, so you can't set the watch to
   better than +/- 0.5 sec. And, it doesn't have WWVB capability.
   I replaced it with the Casio Pathfinder. It has all the geek functions
   of the Suunto (altimeter, barometer, compass, etc), plus adds the WWVB,
   MSF, DFC77, JJY self-setting capability. I've found it to hold good
   time when it hasn't set. It's also quite rugged and holds up well to an
   active lifestyle.
   For the astro-geek time nut, I like the Emerald Time app for the iPod
   Touch/iPhone. I wish they made real watches like these!

   Col Keith E. Brandt, MD, MPH
   "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him,
       but because he loves what is behind him" -- G. K. Chesterton
   *This message transmitted with 100% recycled electrons

   Col Keith E. Brandt, MD, MPH
   Goodbye cruel world that was my home-
     there's cleaner space out here to roam
   Put my feet up on the moons of Mars-
     sit back, relax, and count the stars
   *This message transmitted with 100% recycled electrons


   1. http://www.prc68.com/I/Watch-Real-Fake.shtml#SVWC
   2. http://www.prc68.com/I/PT.html
   3. mailto:keith.bra...@gmail.com
   4. mailto:wd9...@amsat.org
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