Thanks for all the links, info and comments guys!

>>Several of the "big guys" have tried this approach.
>>The problem seems to be that you are at the mercy of the guy who is
>>transmitting the signal. He may (or may not) be very good at keeping things
>>running right. Regulations may (or may not) actually require him to lock his
>>signal to GPS.
>>A lot of these systems work just fine at>  1.0 x 10^-8 off frequency. You
>>have to keep the slots lined up between them, but as long as everybody
>>agrees on alignment, they keep running fine. There's a lot that you can get
>>away with and still be providing a dial tone.
>GSM and hence UMTS has 50 ppb requirements in the base station frequency. For 
>GSM no timing is required, but synchronisation of several base-stations has 
>been shown to improve hand-over performance.
>Depending on the operator you tune in to, it may or may not be locked to GPS 
>or similar... but may also run from caesium beams somewhere completely 
>different, if so you are only guaranteed 1E-11 in frequency long-term.
>There is many systems, and you also need to tune in to the right signal. GSM 
>for instance may frequency jump regularly.
>Digital TV signals may be also be used. Depending on which mode the network 
>operate in the transmitters may be undisciplined or locked to GPS directly or 
>indirectly. DVB-T for instance has regular pilot-tones in the spectrum. A 
>DVB-T receiver is a nice exercise... :)
>It's possible, but not trivial.

Bangalore, India. 

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