Fellow time-nuts,

Today a new box entered the lab, a Götting KG HG 414A. This is not of German origin, but is in fact a Soviet/Russian TSCH1-78. I've got SN 052 made in 1992, but the manual seems to be written in 1986.

Manuals is some form of copy method I just can't recall right now, but stencil looks possible.

Mine comes with complete electrical and mechanical drawings, calibration manual with nice stamps . All that in russian. There is also some manuals translated into german which helps me a lot in the basic get started operation, even if my german is close to non-existent.

It is in good shape, even if a quick look at the waveforms shows that some improvement can be achieved. It locks and operates relatively well straight out of the box.

So, what does it do?

It has a Rubidium reference in it. A 5 MHz OCXO which synthesize into 90 MHz and 5,31746 MHz which then is mixed in the cavity to 6,83468254 GHz with a 86,8 Hz phase-modulation for resonance sweep.

It has a lock-indicator on the front and also a trimmer for OCXO adjustment with indicators of direction to turn.

With that in hand, it generates 10 MHz, 5 MHz, 1 MHz and 100 kHz sine outputs.

It further takes a 5 MHz input and measures it's frequency over one second with 1E-11 resolution or over 10 or 100 s with 1E-12 resolution. It shows 7 digit numbers. It essentially mix down to 500 Hz, 50 Hz or 5 Hz and measures. Works nicely.

It can also measure time-differences, and thus relates to the time it has. It is fairly easy to set up the time of day in HH MM SS and it looks like you can take a PPS and time-align it to it. Then you can measure that time-difference. It also has a delayed output which is programmable in 100 ns steps.

So, this box is a bit of everything, but a rather nice one.

The DC connector is unknown to me, but the AC is a standard IEC one, so that took no time to hook up.

It will take some time to fully understand it, but who said it would be easy?

I need to brush up my russian and german... ah well.

I use a TADD-2 for wave-cleanup, but it only achieves it partly.


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