Sorry to confuse. Pulse was the wrong word. What I was trying to say is  
that during the charge mode the charge controller does interrupt the charge  
process to check battery voltage. Since English is my third language please  
forgive me.
Bert Kehren
In a message dated 4/6/2011 7:04:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

In  message <>,  writes:

>Today most electronic charge circuits use pulse mode  [...]

Really ?

The only place I see "pulse mode" chargers for  SLA batteries is in
the automobile snakeoil market, where d00des  appearantly think it
will make their speakers louder...

For Li+  batteries in tiny gadgets, like mobiles, pulse mode charging
is used to  reduce the size and heat from the charge regulator, but
it does nothing  good for the battery.

A good temperature compensating switchmode  charger is the way to go.


PS: Source of good papers  about batteries in backup applications:

Poul-Henning  Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus  3.20         | TCP/IP since RFC  956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe   
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by  incompetence.

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