Yep.  But in this case the original poster was looking to improve stability.   
Perhaps a better way to have phrased my comment would have been to ensure that 
the phase noise is not degraded vs the original xtal oscilator.   I do agree 
though that phase noise is very important.  As a side note I became interested 
in time nut topics after I purchased a gpsdo to compare the tcxo in my icom 
706mkiig to.   I then needed to convince my self the the gpsdo was accurate etc 

I did conclude that the tcxo in my icom 706mkiig was jumping by a few tenths of 
a ppm from time to time (:

On Fri May 27th, 2011 12:17 PM EDT francesco messineo wrote:

>On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Mark Spencer <> wrote:
>> Imho phase noise is probably as important as long term stability in this 
>> application.
>for real and serious amateur radio dxing it's much more important the
>phase noise and IMD3 performance of the RX rather than stability. Not
>that stability doesn't matter, but I'd never trade not excellent PN
>for stability.
>Best regards
>Frank IZ8DWF
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