On 6/9/11 10:36 PM, Henry Hallam wrote:
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Jim Lux<jim...@earthlink.net>  wrote:

GPS orbits are tough from a radiation standpoint too.

In particular, the orbits are considerably worse for radiation than
GEO, and photovoltaic panels are quite susceptible to radiation.  Of
course you could put a GNSS in GSO but I think it's not as favorable
from a constellation design point of view, and the launches are more

I think this is an interesting thing, especially from a time-nuts perspective.. In order to transfer time from one place to another, you need to know where those two places are, very accurately (i.e. 3ns accuracy implies 1 m position uncertainty)

Transit and GPS both make use of the dual curse and blessing of having a moving satellite so it has doppler (a pain for acq and track) but it also means that visibility is good. you can cover the sky with moving satellites, so pretty much anywhere you are, at some point you'll get enough visibility to make it work. The Doppler actually makes it easier to determine the accurate position of the satellites, too.

In GEO, the positions of the satellites aren't known to anywhere near 1 m accuracy (10s-100s of meters, if they're using GPS<grin>). And, as pointed out, you don't have anywhere near the flexibility of orbits.

The MEO height of GPS was a deliberate choice (again, that GPSWorld series is a fascinating history of how it came about). Don't forget that one of the original reasons for GPS was for doing midcourse correction on ICBMs.

The Japanese have a satellite with Nav signals up that is in a not quite GEO height orbit that is inclined so its ground track sort of appears to make a big figure 8 stretched N/S over Japan.

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