Le 16/10/2011 18:34, David J Taylor a écrit :
I've just got a Rapco 1804M and while it works, within the limits of my antenna placement, the RS-232 serial out doesn't read very well, and seems to have incorrect characters. The voltage levels look OK, and the terminal emulation program is set to 4800 baud, 8-bit, no parity, one stop bit, no flow control. I've tried other combinations. As near as I can measure, the baud rate is 4800.

Here's some sample output:

UTC Time  : 16:65:19 16/10?1q
UTC Time  : 16:25:20 16/10/11

Position  : 53 54.406 N  002 12.075 W  0239 M
PDOP      : 02
Sat PRN   : 28,19,32,01,11<22
Sat levål : 00,12,13,06,05,03
Fix, Mode : 2D , Coarse

UTC Time  : 16:25:21 16/10/11
UTC Time  : 16:25:22 16/10/11
UTC Time  : 16:25:23 16/10?11
UTC Time  : 16:25:24 16/10/11=
                             UTC Ti}e  : 16:25:25 16/10?11
UTC Time  : 16:25:26 16/10?11

The data is nearly all good, so probably not a rs232 rate issue. Looking at the transformations in the above data,
/ => ?
1 =>q
, => <
CR => =
m => }

they are all single/multiple bit flips in the top nibble of the character hex value. Maybe it's a UART that has hickups. I couldn't find a schematic, but may be worth looking to see what's connected to the RS232 tranceiver chip..

The same serial port works correctly with 9600 baud Garmin signal, and I don't have any other available computers with spare RS-232 ports I can test against.

Am I missing the obvious, or is there something wrong with the serial port? I do appreciate that the serial port isn't critical to the correct operation of the 1804M, but this has cast doubts about this particular unit into my mind!

David GM8ARV

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