On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 13:19:08 -0700
ed breya <e...@telight.com> wrote:

> If the Rb cell "drifted" enough (maybe if it was filled with water) 
> to de-tune the mechanical cavity resonator, it wouldn't work at all. 
> Only a small amount of the RF power in the cavity is coupled into the 
> Rb gas. The bandwidth of the Rb resonance is a fraction of a Hz (Q in 
> the millions), while the bandwidth of the cavity is probably 20-50 
> MHz, (Q may be up to 100).

Not quite true. While the theoretical line width of Rb is very small,
the line width of a Rb gas cell is in the range of 100Hz to 100kHz,
depending on the size of the cell, wall coatings, the buffer gas type,
the pressure and temperature.

                        Attila Kinali

Why does it take years to find the answers to
the questions one should have asked long ago?

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