New guy here, seeking Oracular pronouncements for my time/frequency quest!
Anyone ever had a good buying experience for this type of equipent from China?
So what I am trying to come up with now for home/shack is:
- An NTP server for our LAN
Advice much appreciated!


I chose to separate NTP and frequency standards. For frequency, I happened upon a Rapco 1904M on eBay (thanks to someone else), and I have been reasonably pleased with that, although getting a good enough antenna has been an issue:


For NTP, Like Chris I have an Intel Atom PC, but mine is fed from a Garmin GPS 18 LVC puck, mounted on the sloping roof (indoors it is not sensitive enough). This box is running FreeBSD 8.1, and is my most accurate NTP box:


More recently I have purchased a Garmin GPS 18x LVC which /is/ sensitive enough for indoor use (I'm on the top floor of a 2 storey building) and I run that into a Windows PC (Win-7/32, PC Stamsund). I'm also using a couple of Sure Electronics GPS evaluation boards (bought from China, no problems) with a very simple modification to make the PPS signal available to the RS-232 connector, and these are connected to a Win-7/64 PC Alta and a Win-XP PC Feenix:


The performance I get on the various systems, and their directly connected and Wi-Fi connected clients is here:


and the server/client configuration is shown here:


Just some thoughts for you!

David GM8ARV
SatSignal Software - Quality software written to your requirements
Web: http://www.satsignal.eu
Email: david-tay...@blueyonder.co.uk

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