Consulting the hive-mind here on the list..

If one were looking for small/cheap/mass produced oscillators which have decent phase noise.. what kind has the most repeatable frequency vs temperature curve.

The usual 1ppm TCXO has about 0.1 ppm hysteresis, while other less "stable" oscillators may have bigger variation with temperature (>1ppm/degree C isn't a problem) but be more repeatable (perhaps the kind that they use as a thermometer?)

And, then, are those available in an inexpensive mass produced form (e.g. the precision quartz thermometer is NOT inexpensive or mass produced)

Phase noise need (not a hard requirement) is not a big driver
-45 @ 1 Hz
-75 @ 10 Hz
-105 @ 100 Hz
-130 @ 1 kHz
-145 floor out to 15 MHz

The parts I use now are actually about 10 dB better than that (-58 at 1 Hz, -90 @ 10 Hz, -117 at 100 Hz, and floor of -153)

Ideally, I'd like to find something that has zero hysteresis.. BUT, if there is an equation that can predict the hysteresis by knowing the temperature history, that would probably work (although that has a bunch of problems... what about temperature changes when power is off)

This isn't a spec that typically shows up in the mass produced XO catalog: they focus more on bounding the frequency error over some range of environments .. good to within 50 ppm from 10-55 C or something like that. So I'm looking for practical experience.

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