
It's probably easier to just make up an emulator for the UT rather than doing 
it on a string by string basis. Only one of the strings needs to synch up with 
the PPS. The rest can all be generated as needed. I'm not saying it would be 
easy, only easier.  
Maybe put something like an LEA-6T and a PIC on a drop in board to fit in the 
3801. Let the GPS work with lots of sats and use the emulator to hide the 
extras from the 3801. Initialize the gps from the PIC and more or less ignore 
the init commands from the 3801. Sounds like a pretty involved project. 


On Sep 16, 2012, at 8:54 AM, Mike S <mi...@flatsurface.com> wrote:

> On 9/15/2012 2:11 PM, paul swed wrote:
>> Then respond back with whatever the response might be and then simply pass
>> through in both direction whatever comes next.
>> Could an updated rcvr be used.
>> Is this init command really the only gotcha?
> It's more than just the init command. The z3801a also sends @@Ca, @@Cg, @@Ab, 
> @@Ah, @@Aj, @@Ak, @@Al, @@An, @@Ar, @@Av, @@Ax, @@Ay, @@AB, @@AC, @@AD, @@Ba, 
> @@Bc, @@Bk, @@Cg, @@At, and @@Bn, none of which are available on an M12 
> (which would be the logical target if you're going to the trouble of an 
> adapter), so would need to be converted to other commands, and the correct 
> response returned. In addition, the response to the @@Bb command (Visible sat 
> status) would need modification.
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