Dear time-nuts

In case of interest, you may check our fresh conference preprints from IEEE--UFFC International Frequency Control Symposium -- European Frequency and Time Forum 2013, just finished:

1. Clock Composition by Wiener Filtering Illustrated on Two Atomic Clocks
- about clock ensembling using estimator
- advantages over PLL&FLL (+ case study)
- much simpler in LTI case over currently used Kalman filters

2. Programmable Delay Controller Allowing Frequency Synthesis and Arbitrary Binary Waveform Generation
- controllable delay line within FPGA fabric
- likely novel enhancement, possibly allowing to replace DDSes etc.
- still unsure, if it may actually improve frequency control circuits and become widespread, or remain a curiosity only...

You can read papers and view poster/presentation at:

Best regards,

P.s> After proceedings will be published, I'll replace by IEEE marked versions, in accordance with Copyright agreement.
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