David and Chris,

Thanks for the comments.

While my interest does include use as NTP server it is not entirely limited to that application, for example data collection and possibly RTL-SDR based ADS-B.

I have spent much time searching for information on both devices and as David suggested, the Beaglebone Black has a bit more going for it technically but the raspberry PI has a much larger user base.

I am considering one or the other or perhaps both to supplement my use of Arduino's and in light of the fairly recent announcement of the newest member of the Arduino stable in partnership with Intel I am wondering whether to wait for the new Aruduino offering (more $ but not much) or whether the PI or Beaglebone will do.

See here for info on the Arduino Intel Galileo http://arduino.cc/en/ArduinoCertified/IntelGalileo

Speaking of Arduino, I have still not posted my sketch for my very simple NTP client clock display. I should have known that when I dug out the code and started to clean it up a bit before posting that I would end up spending more time fussing over it. Soon.

Cheers, Graham ve3gtc


You well know that something better will always be along in six month's time, so why not wait six months and use it. Oh, but something better still will be available then! So you never get anything actually done! HI!

I expect you may have seen my notes on an ADS-B program (written by Malcolm Robb):


and on monitoring ambient temperature:


so those may prove of interest. There's obviously work to do on the temperature monitoring as the program doesn't trap either no data returned (0°C) or max value returned (85°C IIRC), but it demonstrates a capability. To me there's something good about having one device per function, but the Pi is capable of more than that.

Looking forward to your Arduino code!

David GM8ARV
SatSignal Software - Quality software written to your requirements
Web: http://www.satsignal.eu
Email: david-tay...@blueyonder.co.uk
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