That and F11 (toggle fs mode) works fine for me:
LH version 3.10

Le 3 août 2014 à 19:15, Chris Wilson a écrit :

>  03/08/2014 18:12
> Since  upgrading to a new desktop PC running Windows 7 pro 64 bit lady
> heather  crashes  if  I  use the top right "full screen" windows click
> box.  If  I use a command line to change screen size it enlarges fine.
> it  never  did this under XP pro. I managed to catch the very fleeting
> error  by  pressing  "Print  Screen"  umpteen  times until i was quick
> enough  to  grab  it.  the  error is repeatable every time and I post a
> screen shot at htpp://
> Is there an e-mail address for John Miles I might send it to if no one
> knows what it means? thanks
> -- 
>       Best Regards,
>                   Chris Wilson.
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