
I've been reading papers by Yingsi Liang who works for Xtendwave and she seems to be the key person developing the new clocks.
I've starting collecting info on my web page:
I don't understand how Xtendwave can get patents when their work was partially 
funded by NIST?

There are different modes that have different frame times, the Long mode takes 17 minutes for each of: Time, DST/LY state & Date. That's to say it takes 51 minutes to get all three. Since the modulation format is in complete words their receiver has a problem with the inaccuracy of common watch crystals. This says that for those who have a stable LO it's much easier to receive the BPSK signal over the times needed (probably for all formats).

PS a new paper "Receiver Design of Radio-Controlled Clocks Based On The New WWVB 
Broadcast Format" came out a few days ago.

PPS I've been having fun with theodolites and have made a table "Accuracy of Visual Fixes" on my Navigation page with columns headed Time, Angle & Distance based on the Earth rotation at: http://www.prc68.com/I/Nav.shtml#Accuracy The idea is that a theodolite with some angular accuracy needs to be used with a clock that has a equivalent accuracy to get a position fix within some distance.

[OT] PPPS I'm also having fun looking at the pond water in my back yard.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

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