Back in the mid 70's I was involved in the home-brewing of a receiver for our 2-Meter FM Ham repeater on Mt. Wilson. It was fairly sophisticated with a double balanced mixer and all kinds of fancy circuitry. The I.F chain consisted of 3 chips which were limiters enclosed in separate machined metal boxes. The gain in the I.F. was so high that it would tend to go into oscillation if you even looked at it. The secret to making it unconditionally stable was to flip the polarity at the output of the first I.F. going into the I.F. transformer. Since the circuit described for the homebuilt GPS receiver uses a balanced I.F. chain, I wonder if that's a part of how he got it stable?

Quote from the description: The LMH7220 adds 59 dB of gain making a total of 119 dB for the whole IF. Deploying so much gain at one frequency was a risk. To minimise it, balanced circuitry over a solid ground plane was used and screened twisted-pair carries the output to the FPGA. The motivation was simplicity, avoiding a second conversion. In practice, the circuit is stable, so the gamble paid-off.

Burt, K6OQK

Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Homemade GPS Receiver

Quite a project and extremely well presented and executed.
Thanks for the link to a fascinating read!

Didier KO4BB

On September 17, 2014 5:34:38 PM CDT, Peter Putnam <> wrote:
>The link below describes a The LMH7220 adds 59 dB of gain making a total of 119 dB for the whole IF. Deploying so much gain at one frequency was a risk. To minimise it, balanced circuitry over a solid ground plane was used and screened twisted-pair carries the output to the FPGA. The motivation was simplicity, avoiding a second conversion. In practice, the circuit is stable, so the gamble paid-off.
>It is presented in a detailed and elegant manner that is certain to
>appeal to this reflector's subscribers.

Burt I. Weiner Associates
Broadcast Technical Services
Glendale, California  U.S.A.
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