
Thanks for posting that information. Keeping Ulrich’s code going is a very good 


> On Nov 7, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Götz Romahn <go...@g-romahn.de> wrote:
> if you want to go the easy way to talk to REF-1 of REF-0 via the 
> J8-Diagnostic port try Ulrich Bangerts Z38XX software.
> Here:
> http://www.romahn.info/lucent/z3811.exe
> you will find for download a patched and renamed version that directly 
> recognizes our nice new toys. After setting the right "Parameters" try "View" 
> or "Manual Command Entry".
> cheers Götz
> Am 07.11.2014 13:07, :
>> Hi
>> When Satstat does the change, I’m sure it uses the correct command to do it. 
>> The syntax is a phrase followed by a numeric. You then use the same phrase 
>> followed by a question mark to see if it took it. The slave happy accepts 
>> the command, stores the data, and returns it when asked. A reasonable 
>> external program would indeed say “yup it did it”.
>> With no serial com (that’s a guess not a proven) there is no way to change 
>> the GPS. The slave simply stores the data. The only alternative would be for 
>> it to reject virtually all commands over the Diag port. Much easier to just 
>> put a note in the manual than to disable all that code.
>> Bob
>>> On Nov 7, 2014, at 12:02 AM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Bob,
>>> I've been using the Satstat program to send commands.  What I don't 
>>> understand is why the slave will accept commands such as sat elevation 
>>> angle and not give an error response.  It gives a response of "command 
>>> complete", but it doesn't change it.  Or is that an indication that both 
>>> units use the same firmware, and success is actually indicated by the 
>>> resulting change of the angle?
>>> Bob     From: Bob Camp <kb...@n1k.org>
>>> To: gandal...@aol.com; Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
>>> <time-nuts@febo.com>
>>> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2014 6:07 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Lucent KS-24361 GPSDO arrived today several 
>>> questions
>>> Hi
>>> Ok, I got to spend a little quality time with my pair today. I mostly poked 
>>> at the Diag port with a terminal program.
>>> Both of the units seem talk over the Diag port regardless of the mode they 
>>> are in (master / slave / fault ). Both respond to a sub-set of the Z3801 
>>> SCPI commands (= not all commands work). There are a few enhancements where 
>>> a query to a “node” gives a reply (which it should not if it’s “node 
>>> only”). All of it works ok at 9600 baud 8N1. All of it comes back with an 
>>> error message (E-xxx) after a valid command response. It may not like the 
>>> terminal program sending cr/lf or something like that.
>>> By far the most useful thing to type is :SYST:STAT?
>>> That executes the system:status request and gives you a nice full screen of 
>>> information. It shows you about 95% of the useful information all on one 
>>> page. About the only major thing missing is the DAC value. That’s available 
>>> with another command out of the Z3801 list. It does take a while to compose 
>>> and transmit the screen, so it’s not the best way to to this forever and 
>>> ever.
>>> The data from the request is the same on both boxes. Same everything except 
>>> one shows as standby etc. The interesting details are things like elevation 
>>> mask and cable delay. Why interesting? You can set them with discrete 
>>> commands. You can also query the data with the same commands to make sure 
>>> the box “took” what you sent.
>>> This allows experimentation with changing the elevation mask on each box 
>>> (or just simply doing a discrete query for the mask on each box). The Ref-0 
>>> / slave will happily change things around with discrete commands. None of 
>>> them are reflected in the :SYST:STAT? listing on the Ref-0 or Ref-1. When 
>>> you look at the Ref-1 / gps box, it’s discrete query information matches 
>>> the :SYST:STAT? screen on both boxes. When you change things on the Ref-1 
>>> box both screens follow that data.
>>> —————
>>> When you pull the antenna on the gps box, it immediately (almost) goes into 
>>> gps fault led flashing mode. The slave box happily sits there for a while 
>>> (say a minute) with it’s gps led saying all is well. When you plug the 
>>> antenna back in, the process is reversed. The gps box goes out of flash 
>>> mode right away. The led goes out in a bit. The led on the slave box does 
>>> not follow for a minute or so.
>>> —————
>>> All of this suggests to me that the Ref-0 / slave does not talk back to the 
>>> other box via serial. It also suggests to me that all it “sees” from the 
>>> Ref-1/gps box are the duplicates of the serial string out of the Motorola 
>>> gps module. The Ref-0 just figures out what’s happening by watching those 
>>> strings as they roll by.
>>> Hope that makes sense….
>>> ——————
>>> If that’s all true, it should be “easy” to put dummy gps sentences into the 
>>> Ref-0 interface port and a pps from something else. Once it sees stuff that 
>>> it likes, it will start locking up to that pps. Cheap micro and just about 
>>> any modern gps = fancy new GPSDO. Quick / easy / not much work. A little 
>>> more complex if you decide to translate sawtooth data. That of course 
>>> assumes these boxes do anything with sawtooth ...
>>> Bob
>>>> On Nov 6, 2014, at 7:52 AM, GandalfG8--- via time-nuts 
>>>> <time-nuts@febo.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Bob
>>>> I view the master/slave situation the same way you do, but only  commented
>>>> because Lucent effectively sets things up the other way round so just
>>>> wanted to be sure which way Paul was considering it.
>>>> As regards, the "faking", yes, a single 15 way plug containing just  a link
>>>> and a resistor is exactly what I use now.
>>>> I realise the RS422 fudge isn't ideal but certainly very handy for some
>>>> quick tests.
>>>> I've got two or three RS422 PCI interfaces but hadn't previously had any
>>>> spare slots, now I've got a couple of lovely Magma 13 way PCI expansion 
>>>> units
>>>> but need to hack them about so the ports are at the front.
>>>> Whoever decided rack mount PC kit should be built with all the  connections
>>>> at the rear must have been really nuts, and it was too long ago  to use
>>>> "corridors" of racks as a viable excuse, someone somewhere just fitted  
>>>> ears to
>>>> desk top style cases and left the rest of us to get on with  it..
>>>> One of the best things I ever did was to buy a pair of "back to front"
>>>> rackmount PC cases with all ports and cards available at the front, 
>>>> trouble is
>>>> now I want everything else to match, and most test gear has just the same
>>>> issues!
>>>> All good fun, and certainly never a dull moment:-)
>>>> Regards
>>>> Nigel
>>>> GM8PZR
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