> Le 19 nov. 2014 à 09:47, Anders Wallin <anders.e.e.wal...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I have a 53230A that behaves differently on ch1 and ch2.
> With ch2 at DC/1Mohm/postive-slope/1V it triggers ok on my PPS signal and
> shows e.g. a pusle-width measurement etc.
> The same signal connected to ch1 fails to trigger.

Hi Anders,
   Are you sure you set the level to +1V…. That got me once. ;-)

> I noticed the Vpp and Vmax/Vmin voltage readings are not correct for PPS
> signals - i.e. on a scope my signals are from 0V to 4V, but the counter
> shows -5 mV to +5 mV or similar. But perhaps that is because of the low
> duty-cycle of a PPS signal.

Mine shows the same and I assumed that this is the case, though I haven’t 
delved further.

> We were measuring RF frequencies with the counter a few weeks back - it
> says max 1W input... it is possible that this was exceeded (does 50Ohm vs.
> 1MOhm setting matter for input-protection?).
> Any ideas on what breaks first on the input stage? :) (are there schematics
> online?)
> thanks,
> Anders
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